Monday, March 26, 2012

Second Shift

Second shift is generally referred to the tasks that supposedly designated or belong to women after work hours.  Well, this topic is very controversy if we talk about the United State.  According what I see on the ground, today there is no job designated only for either one  and the check list that comes with this assignment both man and woman share responsibility to make the family run smoothly. However, there are some certain jobs that require muscle power such as cutting grass, man is expected to take care of those kind of chores while woman take care of some chores that require smooth touch such as finding a Christmas cards.
In the past, however, our society was male dominated society and woman use to work side by side with man after long work-hours, there were more chores was waiting for him at home. That era is over, for now in many cases man takes care of many chores at home like doing laundry and packing lunch back for kids even doing babysitting.  Matter of fact if I talk about myself, I cook more than my fiancé cooks, and I clean the house more than she cleans the house, above all, I work and she not. In many cases, I have friends whom are retired and the wife work, they do everything in the house and the wife makes money for the family. The notion second shift is not the way has been described and there is little of exaggeration.
In the Middle East and other man dominated countries that notion is more pervasive. Women usually have all hard chores and man take the one is less boring. I remember when I grew up my mother was contributing in family earning also she was taking care of most of the home chores; cooking, cleaning, taking care of children, washing cloth, and many other things. This practice is still going on in many mail dominated countries and the main reason behind that is lack of proper education and custom and tradition.

1 comment:

  1. Saman: The controversy about "the second shift" has been going on since the 1970s. It's very complicated. It seems to me that husbands and wives are going to have to decide on their own how to ease the women's load at home after a full day on the job. The nature of the man's job obviously will have an influence on how much he can take on more of the household chores. You've provided an insightful essay on this materal. Richard Bobys
