Saturday, February 25, 2012

Social Class in the United States

We have learned in previous class about crime inside the society, and we learn that there is no society without deviant. Regardless that the deviant is a negative sign of the society, but society cannot exist without deviant. In this part, we learned about social classes inside the society, every society in the world has been divided into classes, unfortunately we have to live with that fact that we all belong to one of these classes. The importance thing we should learn about social class is that the class is income based which means that the size of your bank account will dictate which class you belong.
Social class is matter in every society not only in the U.S. since I have lived only in Middle East; I can compare US with Middle East. Class is matter in the U.S but defiantly not that as in the Middle East. However, in the U.S people care about which neighborhood they live in, summer vacation, winter vacation, and what kind of school you went or your kids are going. I have noticed, in many occasions, people with the high class associate only with people with similar class.
My first experience in this country was few month after I came to the country when my friend from New York invited me to his wedding. Fortunately, another female, that I knew little, was invited too. During the matrimony I noticed how those people were behave, what kind of restaurant they chose to have dinner, what you doing for living, and what kind of car you drive. When I asked that girl I mentioned at the beginning, she told me: “these people are high class people, Wall Street people.” I felt that I am not belonging to this class, but I can only be their friend only by phone not be part of them.
What I try to say is, classes in the U.S in matter but people from different class still can be friend. This is the fundamental differences of social class definition between the U.S and the Middle East. Different social classes in the Middle East are totally separated, they never come together.
Few months ago, I saw an interesting article in one of news papers; a nine years old boy from low-economic class was walking with eight years old girl from high-economic class in Pakistan.  The girl’s family considered that an insult to their status, they decided to attack the boy’s family and revenge to restore their status. Unfortunately the article was in different language, otherwise I will put the link to that article on my post.
Social class like any other negative sign in every society, but society cannot exist without economic classes and it has to exist inside every society.        

1 comment:

  1. I can completely agree that you can still be friends with people in different classes than you, it may be harder but it is possible. You have to be willing to put aside what other people think to remain friends with them however, because I have lost many friends this way.
