This subject become more interesting as we navigate through
it is chapters. In previous chapters we learned about the societies and
cultures. We learned that the society cannot exist without culture and, also
culture cannot exist without society. Every society consist individuals whom
might have been raised in different environments and in different life
condition that make them carrying different attitude toward certain different
subjects. We also learned that society
is governed by norms; the norms could be formal or informal. The informal norms
is the custom and tradition that public expect the individuals to follow it
without been taught in formal schools, we learn those norms through our
interaction with public. Violating those norms might have light consequences on
the individuals such as blaming or complaining one thing is important about
informal is it has been founded without deliberate interference of human. For instance
how the American societies become individual society? Who make the decision
that American society is untouched society?
The other kind of norm
is formal norm or conformity, this kind of norm is generated by human and so
called Conformity. If violating informal norm lead to light blame or complain,
violating formal norms lead to formal punishment by law enforcement. If the
person who violates informal norms is only rejected by the surrounding friends
and he/she might be called “freek” or outdated, the person who violates the
formal norm or conformity called deviance or criminal. There are many theories
why people do violate the law, but I think the one most I think about it is the
surrounding environment. Even though there is no society without crime and
criminals, but surrounding environment might dictate the statistic and the size
of crimes and criminals.
For instance, the crimes in the big cities are more than the
smaller cities for many reasons. The life in the cities is more expensive in
smaller cities and human needs more resources to live. The other thing is there
are more culture groups in the cities than the smaller one. The men commit
crimes more than women, because men have more power then the women. The young
commit crimes more than old because the young generations interact with the
society more than older people and they might have more physical power. The corporate
companies still more than a homeless on the street, if the homeless or young
teenager jump into a convenience store to still $200 or so, the corporate companies
still billions of dollars in one fraud case. It is all related to the
surrounding environment.
However, crimes and criminals are part of every society, matter
of fact we all commit a crime in some way. If we look back to our life most of
us have a speeding ticket which is considered crime. The hardest part in this
subject is labeling. In many occasion the individual who is labeled as a deviant,
if you look it at it in another angle,he/ she is a victim. For example the person who
still to feed his kids, the woman who kills the cheating husband, or the
ignorant teen that jumps on the store to still a case of beer. In all cases
those labeled deviants are victims of the environment more than they are criminals.
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