Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nature and Nurture

      Nature versus nurture is a discussion of the influence on human’s social behavior.  Nature might be physical environment, geography, economy, faith, or anything else surrounds human being.  In the beginning of this course Professor asked all students to comment on certain post he posted on the blackboard about group of students from poor families not doing well in school comparing with other students whom are from middle or upper class. It is obvious that those children had been influenced by their family. The family is the first line of nurture and has more influence over the kids, even though the book say bit different. Some believes that in the industrial cities the role of family has been dwindle because the parents, especially the mother, are working but parents, I think, remain one of the important factors responsible of children’s nurture . Many researchers described the home environment as the natural school. Other factors that have direct connection to nurture are school, peers, and media, but none of these can be a perfect alternative of family’s role.
All factors mentioned above influence directly or indirectly mankind’s social behavior. Human must behave according to his surrounding environment. Actions that not match the surrounding appear like shortcoming or uncivilized. I remember when I was young boy I used visit some relatives in the village and the kids they use to call me city boy and laugh at me. Many armed force members come back from Afghanistan and they describe the Afghan society as uncivilized society, but they don’t know that Afghan use to call American uncivilized society. The fact is neither is out dated but they act according to their physical environment. An afghan guy might use donkey to travel through the harsh terrain that has no paved road, while the American guy uses his truck to go around his flexible streets.    
At the end of my post I would like to invite everyone to read this article below about some groups how they still live in their world and they are happy do not like to be disturbed by what we call today new life.

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