Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shift Happens

Social change refers to any substantial changes over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms. It is the facts, sometimes unpleasant facts that we cannot is look like a baby that we love the most and that baby must grew and one day will move outside the house. Watching the video makes person sad in one side and happy in the other side. It makes you happy when you see how technology is growing in the world is going forward. Also it makes you sad because it one age does not support that grew. For instance I am happy because I am student and probably I will get better future, but when you see all what you learned will outdated even before I graduate.
Stopping or reducing the bad side of the story is in the hand of educational system. Educational system must prepare students for future. We might ask; how I should predict what kind of change will happen in future? The answer is let us looking into human’s dream. Human always think of all possible changes and we must integrate those possible changes into our school system to be studied.
A change in information processing and availability is the best happened in human’s life. I would like to tell one story to show how great those changes are. Last year we had a group project as a last assignment. The professor asked five students to write one research papers. I divided the project among us via email and each student was doing his/ her portion. One of student was communicating with me all the time at the end she told me that she is visiting her relatives and sending me her papers from Pakistan. This is a small example how great it is the changes happened in information processing. There might have some drawbacks but the benefits are exceeding those drawbacks.
There are many ideas that we have studied throughout the class that can help to better understand the fact in that video. For example; globalization, changing culture, and mobilization are the best to describe the facts in that video. Globalization made information flow easier among nations and ideas can be exchanged faster among people.  Globalization made people adopt new culture and learn new life patterns.

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